Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Blog 9: Privacy Through the Phone

In class, we discussed the importance of privacy whether that be through social media, through the phone, or tracking through our web browsers. In the video "How to Avoid Surveillance ... With the Phone in Your Pocket," Christopher Soghoian discusses how for more than a hundred years, telephone companies have been wiretapping assistance for governments. As technology has progressed throughout the years, surveillance has been wired to the core of our telephones. This means that anyone, not just the government, could tap in into our telephone conversations. Luckily, Soghoian does talk about how silicon valley companies have made surveillance very difficult to wire tap. Although this may be more difficult for the police to find criminals through telephone records, it keeps others safe from having our conversations recorded for data collection. These encryptions save our privacy.


Soghoian, Christopher. “How to Avoid Surveillance ... with the Phone in Your Pocket.” TED, www.ted.com/talks/christopher_soghoian_how_to_avoid_surveillance_with_the_phone_in_your_pocket?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare.

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