Monday, September 21, 2020

Blog 4: Antiwar Websites

The websites, ANTIWAR.COM  and American Conservative, are sites that are not recognized in the mainstream media but have so much information about the world that we did not know. These websites reveal the activity with American troops in Syria, deep explanations about the President’s war decisions, and give inciting articles discussing American politics through realism. Before this class, I did not know these websites existed, even though they have so much information I wished I had known before. I assume that these websites are not as common because it discusses the raw truth about America’s war plans and how they could be problematic. The government doesn’t like journalists who bash on the public and whether the internet tries to hide these sites or not, it must be acknowledged that important information like this should not be overlooked. I think that most journalism is sugar-coated and never tell the whole truth. Over the top headlines and misunderstood quoting has taken over the media to grab our attention. It’s important to take a step back I look at the raw truth and the events that are hiding in the background.


“$20/Year Print Subscription to THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE.” Stormfields, 2 Jan. 2018,,

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