Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Blog 5: Speech Theories

When viewing speech theories and connecting them to the modern-day, one in particular that stands out is the "Promote Tolerance" theory. This means that, by allowing the American citizens to have the freedom of speech, whether that be positive or negative, it creates a more tolerant society. Because Americans are given the right to say hateful speech without apprehension, it allows society to absorb that knowledge and become more tolerant of hurtful things. This connects to the modern day through the current election. By allowing individuals to discuss hateful things about the President and the other candidates, it allows the people to feel that they have a voice, that the truth can be spoken, and that all are treated equally. This also distinguishes where political parties differ and allow different political views to society. Unlike a dictatorship, the government can not stop the citizens from saying how they feel. This allows people to not feel suffocated from saying their thoughts and problems. This can give the government insight on what the American citizens feel unjust and could be changed.
This is an important theory to me because these are times that cause people to question the First Amendment. With police brutality causing a backlash in the media, it is important to recognize that the government is allowing people to say hateful things about figures in power. With the Black Lives Matter movement causing people to speak out, the American people are becoming more educated through media, and can even change their perspective to promote racial equality. There are countries that do not have the ability to scrutinize the government. We have the ability to use hate speech when we see something unjust or offensive in society. It is a right given to us that allows Americans to learn from and tolerate one another.
I think this theory has been extremely prominent in media today. If you look through an Instagram story or two, you may find political, mental health, or equality awareness pictures. Some may be attacking racist, feminist, or homophobist, and are creating hate speech because they care about human rights. They believe that equality is something to stand for and if someone is doing hurtful things, they will backlash and say their opinion. These disputes over the internet are changing our world and opening it to different perspectives to allow us to be a more tolerable nation.


Hodson, Matthew. “Black Lives Matter.”, 4 June 2020,

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